Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Halt and Walk and Halt

Last Friday's lesson was good, we worked on halt/walk/halt transitions. It was a challenge keeping Breezy going forward. To halt I was told to use my thighs and hands to squeeze and release and to walk I was told to bring my lower leg in (not back) to lightly tap her and if she didn't move forward right away to brush her with the whip. As with everything I am learning, the coordination of aids is challenging but gets easier as we go along.

To help me concentrate on my form better, Carey took my whip and walked along beside us and tapped Breezy if she didn't move off my leg or started to slow down without being asked. Breezy started to get to the point where she was anticipating the walk from the halt that it seemed she didn't want to stand still! Breezy not want to stand still?! Holy Cow! Carey pointed out that the fact that Breezy was anticipating what I wanted was a sign that she was learning what was expected of her though she may not be fully on the aids.

Our work on the halt/walk transition, getting good impulsion from the start of the walk rather than dragging in to it is supposed to help us get a good walk/trot transition that we may be working on tomorrow (Wednesday) during our next lesson.

I rode with Regina on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. Totally fell off (again!) on Saturday when Breezy apparently spooked at nothing and kind of leapt to the left, just like she did when I fell off the last time. She was acting like a total butt, I think because I was on for a while and she felt like she should be done already. Needless to say I got back on and rode a lot longer even going back into the ring and working on some trotting and cantering. What a turd.

Regina was so nice, when I told her that I was worried what she thought when I fell off, she just said that the only thing she was worried about was whether I was alright and that she hoped I wouldn't start hating Ms. Breezy. I don't think I could hate Breezy, she may be a butt but I loff her to pieces.

Yesterday I went out with Jen and looked at a horse with her in Ocala. His name is Black Jack and he was very sweet just not steady eddie enough for her, or for me for that matter. It was a beautiful evening though and the lady we met, Cindy of Performance LTD was very nice and very knowledgeable. Having never looked at a horse to buy before, I think it was a great first time out.

I want to go out and ride today but I must go running with Andy and clean the house.


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